
Hi. I’m Taylor.

Welcome to my blog. I want to help you think differently about who you are so that you can write your life story the way you want it to be.

Tailored Metaphor Episode 11:  Finding Your Voice Is Like Watering A Plant

Tailored Metaphor Episode 11: Finding Your Voice Is Like Watering A Plant

Finding your voice and expressing yourself in a confident way is a long and arduous process, but it is so important when you can because you will notice that your voice matters and your happiness depends on it.

Especially right now with the election, so much focus is placed on your vote being your voice, so you are wondering how your voice might contribute to society or make an impact.

While we wait for the election results, my new episode of the Tailored Metaphor goes into the THREE NECESSARY ELEMENTS TO FINDING YOUR TRUE VOICE.

Give yourself the gift of confidence amidst this week of wild unrest…

What is something you wish you could say or speak up about?

Tailored Metaphor Episode 12: Crying Is Like A Tea Kettle  |  the mental and physical benefits of crying

Tailored Metaphor Episode 12: Crying Is Like A Tea Kettle | the mental and physical benefits of crying

Tailored Metaphor Episode 10:  How to make an impact in your life and the world...today

Tailored Metaphor Episode 10: How to make an impact in your life and the world...today